Project /

Mongolia Green Finance Corporation



2018 -

Project status


SDG Alignment



In 2016, organizations such as the MBA, MSFA, XacBank, Ministry of Finance, MET, GCF, and GGGI jointly initiated the project to establish a “Green Loan Fund” in Mongolia and founded the Mongolia Green Finance Corporation in 2018. It is planned to commence full operations in 2024, upon successful approval of the 50 million USD funding from the GCF, government and the private sector. With the establishment of the MGFC, Mongolia will have a financing system capable of reducing greenhouse gas emis- sions, adapting to climate change, and leading to sustainable development. It will provide green loan funds with wholesale and conces- sional terms to qualified domestic financial institutions. With these green funds, banks and financial institutions will first finance energy-efficient technology, residential housing and insulation loans.



Project Objective

Total within the project 3.7 million tons of greenhouse gases will be reduced, 87,000 or so people will benefit, 20,000 or more ger district houses will be insulated, 1,500 more new green jobs will be created, 130 enterprises’ energy efficiency will be increased.

Project Activities

Project Delivarables

Project Impact

GGGI cooperated with the Government of Mongolia to establish the Mongolia Green Finance Corporation (MGFC) as a joint public and private sector investment fund with the special purpose of improving the policy environment to support green finance in Mongolia. Moreover, it intends to support the transition of enterprises and entrepreneurs to advanced technologies with low greenhouse gas emissions in a gender-sensitive, environmentally friendly and affordable manner. MGFC will work towards meeting the financing needs of the domestic market by providing wholesale loans aimed at increasing green facilities and energy efficiency, reaching areas in need of green investment. Initially, MGFC has been confirmed to receive green investment of 50 million USD, which is important for the intensification of green finance in Mongolia. Therefore, it is expected that MGFC will play an important role in achieving Vision 2050 and Mongolia’s policies adopted in the field of combating climate change, as well as national contribution goals. Mongolia’s international obligations can be directly or indirectly fulfilled to a certain extent by the projects implemented by the MGFC. As a green wholesale financing organization jointly established by the government, the private sector, and international organizations, MGFC is the first unique model in the region. It will play an important role in creating a favorable policy environment for the implementation of low greenhouse gas emission and energy efficient solutions, attracting green and gender-sensitive financing, and efficiently and inclusively distributing it to the domestic market.

Annaka Peterson, Country Representative, Global Green Growth Institute




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